This is exactly what you could get using the defunct Ghostcar app, when you tuned it correctly (remove car and add this line within the parameters available).
This app was useful for me to understand my mistakes during the replays (back in demo...), so might be a good help in the training sessions for real beginners / hotlapping offline.
Wow posting interrupted by work again... now my reply is way too late, see far above for the question related
...and be able to set that using a script for each car
One can dream...
BTW I decreased it to 2.xx and this makes it possible (if barely) to drive LX cars with a mouse, and by not bothering to change it back I discovered that my handling of all cars was much smoother this way. I also managed a better PB at BL1R / XRG!
So this is an unlikely to happen request but would be good. What would be even better is (as already asked for...) mouse to steer and apply throttle, brake on a button.
The answer you will receive is use a wheel and pedals though.
Feeling pressure, fighting for position (any position!) is what makes my LFS time online a good time.
I guess my profile does not correspond to cruise server (numerous) userbase's then.
I spent some time reading the CLC website stuff and am amazed at what you've achieved, congratulations. I will probably never use this but it still seems to be a nice bit of programming.
I approve cruise servers as there is obviously a public for these (full servers! wow) so it keeps LFS community happy and alive.
Good news overall, thanks devs!
One little thing lurking in the back of my mind... If I remember correctly at the time of the introduction of the ballast / handicap system plan was to use it as a temporary balancing until next incompatible (physics) patch. Quid es? Anybody risking a guess regarding this controversial topic?
I don't get it. What is the benefit of doing this? The more the merrier, I'm very happy these days to see the race 2 server populated, I even got in the situation when the race was full - could not join!
That means I can enjoy good and clean battles back for the entire race down the grid where I belong.
You could answer more points - yes, that could be but silver license grants enough points for race 2 so points chase should be over by then? Don't look for points, let them come to you by clean racing and enjoy the trip - that is the race that matters not the end position.
Thanks all for the races in race 2, much more difficult for me while cleaner - real fun!
That is also my problem, my wife especially enjoys sticking her head in front of the screen when I spend more than 1 hour on LFS. No leagues for me but pickup races using only mouse while having a wife and kids are still better than league races with wheel and no more wife and kids
Only a game but a very good one, the only one I play regularly since teenage geekness.
That's getting slightly off topic, but my day was going well before receiving excessive information regarding donkeys, midgets and mods. Disturbing images (not necessarily in the above order) float around my head when I should be working like a madman to increase my boss profit.
Note to myself: stop browsing improvements suggestions at work. Or do it later in the day?
Oh yes that was fun, spent some time there - LX6 South City is an awesome combo!
I had good fun and the race was close until the wall jumped at me (again)
Here is a set I found on the forums a while ago, by biggie, for those like me who have no time or do not grasp the art of setting up a car
OK at work safe now...
Snow today in Switzerland, and a few times on the road to work I thought (not to the point of saying it aloud, some hope left) $report while admiring the witless manoeuvers of fellow commuters.
Too much CTRA maybe? My wife also thinks so
Thank you CTRA, keep up the good work - I hope it pays in the end...
I got a silver license and found out what you have achieved with insim on race 2 server, amazing!
I had no idea you could build something like this with insim, all I can say is wow.
I find this and ZWR baby r ideas are great additions to LFS, for and by the community, you have all my support and respect for that.
This will work when you accelerate but under braking I can not make it... direction gets wrong
Alternate suggestion:
Decrease button control rate as suggested in this post:
I tend to have less T1 problems when I drive XRG on CTRA - better start means you have some (limited) space when you reach T1, unless of course you want to gain more than 1-2 positions before reaching T1.
This way I can brake a little bit earlier and get a faster exit to get away from the pack and not lose 25 meters to the top 10.
When racing the same cars I have no solution except awareness / too slow T1 does not work well!
My biggest concern is when there is a yellow at T1 - no idea what to do, slowing down (lifting) as should be expected ends up in crash more often than full throttle gambling in short races. Probably more practice needed!
Playing on full demo servers also help awareness, there the range of skills is very wide and you often get race starts training due to "T1 crash - xxx voted to restart" 5 times in a row
Sorry to confess I was your "lunger"
As you can see if you check my stats I am not experienced nor fast, and my mistake was due to poor car handling / racing in close pack (and of course lack of experience in handling pressure). I was unfortunately not even trying to pass on the inside but rather missed the turn and braking point, shame on me.
I have no intention to participate in the league because my driving is not consistent enough for such an adventure and also because my LFS time is erratic.
Anyways this car is a fantastic idea and quite accessible, so thank you ZWR for organising this event.
Please accept my sincere apologies for your race, I hope it was the only racing incident I caused apart from rolling the car all by myself last lap, last turn
PS You were not dead last... I did wait for you to re-pass .
Sorry but I do not agree.
Gaining points and ascending the CTRA ladder should be slow enough so that you get enough experience before you can access other (higher?) race servers. That keeps the newbies such as me out of the way.
However the problem arises for already experienced racers who want to access CTRA, they will not accept to spend hours on race1 / SS1 before they get into more "advanced" racing.
There may be an alternative solution between these racers and CTRA admins? Direct Gold license under probation or something the like?
Seeing my points progress over a few races I think access to higher level licenses is good, and definitely not too slow. So keeping higher than gold out of points distribution would ruin the system. Plus I like to learn and race with them!
Well, you sure are hard to pass when you are at it .
Thanks for the fights on CTRA1! To hell with points, what I'm looking for is close racing at my level (said politely beginner) and I find that easily on CTRA1.
As a bonus I also find fast guys who share advice and setups.
So yes I got S2 and jumped straight into CTRA1 server, and I find my learning curve there is pretty good and I have fun.
I also see no point in practicing offline after you get decent lines for a track, after all this is a racing sim.
Keep LFS welcoming for newbies or it will die...